Web interface access

Hi all,

Quick question: is it possible to limit access to the web interfaces provided by Moku devices somehow, e.g. with a password or any other authorisation method, without using external tools for network administration? Free access to firmware updating, bitstreams, and internal data does seem to be a bit of a security issue. The web interfaces have a section called “Device key management” with an input field called “New Key”, is it relevant? I was not able to find any references concerning this in the documentation. Is it possible to switch off the http server completely, e.g. if we are not using API clients?

Hi @admitrieff,

It’s not possible to limit access to the web interface, the password feature in the App is more to prevent accidental connection rather than to prevent all access. The device key management in the web interface is reserved for future use with Moku Cloud Compile (MCC). It’s currently not possible to switch off the http server completely, but the team will take this on board. Thank you for the feedback!