Hello Forum/Support,
I having some trouble using streaming functions on Linux. I get the error message:
Cannot find mokucli 2.2.2.
Please download latest version of the CLI from Utilities - Liquid Instruments.
If you have already installed, please set the MOKU_CLI_PATH environment variable to absolute path of mokucli.
We can download the Mokucli for linux from utilities page. Then what?
Extract the mokucli-linux.tar.gz file and add
export MOKU_CLI_PATH=~/mokucli-linux/mokucli
to the ‘nano ~/.bashrc’ file? Some more explicit instructions would be welcome.
To set up mokucli symbolic link on a Linux system:
Download the latest mokucli package from theUtilities page.
Once the download is complete, get the path for mokucli. Using your terminal, navigate to the inside of the extracted downloads folder. You should see mokucli listed. Type “pwd” in your terminal once inside of the extracted folder to get the path. Make sure your path includes “mokucli” at the end.
Create a symbolic link so that you can run mokucli from anywhere. Type the following command in your terminal:
NOTE: Replace “/absolute/path/to/mokucli” with your path from Step 2.
Test to see if mokucli was correctly setup. Type “mokucli --version” to see if it worked. It should return “mokucli x.x.x” with the correct version numbers.