Cannot find mokucli 2.2.2

**Moku model: Moku Pro **
Operating system: Windows11
Software version: Firmware 600

Cannot find mokucli 2.2.2.
Please download latest version of the CLI from Utilities - Liquid Instruments.
If you have already installed, please set the MOKU_CLI_PATH environment variable to absolute path of mokucli.

The homepage is 2.2.3.
Where can I download 2.2.2?

Hi @luisseo ,

I am sorry for the issue you are experiencing.

Would you please share more details about the issue you are experiencing? It looks like the error message you shared was returned by Python or MATLAB API. Have you tried updating the API package on your computer?

The moku API package version 3.3.1 works fine with mokucli 2.2.3. To update moku API package, please run this command

pip install moku --upgrade

I hope this helps. Thanks.

Best regards,