Compiling Error 2

I ran the example and got an error.

VHDL example #5: PWM from analog input

– counter.vhdl

library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;

–Output Strobe every 2^EXPONENT / INCREMENT Input Strobes
–Will quantize to round integers but maintains overflow, so
–will average out over time, but will have a ±1 cycle jitter.
entity Counter is
generic (
EXPONENT : positive := 8;
PHASE90 : boolean := false
port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic;
Increment : in unsigned;
Strobe : out std_logic
end entity;

architecture Behavioural of Counter is
signal Count : unsigned(EXPONENT downto 0);

assert Increment'length <= Count'length severity FAILURE;

process(Clk) is
	if rising_edge(Clk) then
		if Reset = '1' then
			Count <= (others => '0');
			if PHASE90 then
				Count(EXPONENT - 1) <= '1';
			end if;
		elsif Enable = '1' then
			--Trim the MSB but allow overflow into it.
			--This gives a single Clk cycle output pulse on Strobe.
			Count <= resize(Count(Count'left-1 downto 0), Count'length) + Increment;
			Count(Count'left) <= '0';
		end if;
	end if;
end process;

Strobe <= Count(Count'left);

end architecture;

– pwm.vhdl
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;

library Moku;
use Moku.Support.ScaleOffset;
use Moku.Support.clip;

architecture Behavioural of CustomWrapper is
constant HI_LVL : signed(15 downto 0) := x"7FFF";
constant LO_LVL : signed(15 downto 0) := x"0000";
signal Value: signed(12 downto 0);
signal Count : unsigned(12 downto 0);
signal Pulse50kHz : std_logic;
signal Pulse : std_logic;
signal OutA : std_logic;

INPUT_SCALE: ScaleOffset
port map (
Clk => Clk,
Reset => Reset,
X => InputA & “0”,
Scale => signed(Control1(15 downto 0)), – For internal bus 2Vpp; setting of 0x0200 maps well
Offset => signed(Control2(15 downto 0)), – For internal bus of 2Vpp, offset of 0x0400 works well for +/-1 v internal bus
Z => Value,
Valid => Pulse50kHz,
OutValid => open

OSC: entity WORK.Counter
    generic map (22)  -- ~5 kHz from 312.5MHz
    port map (Clk, Reset, '1', to_unsigned(67, 8), Pulse50kHz);

OSC2: entity WORK.Counter
    generic map (11)  --5kHz/2048 approx 10 MHz
    port map (Clk, Pulse50kHz, '1', to_unsigned(65, 9), Pulse);
process(Clk) is
    if rising_edge(Clk) then
        if Pulse50kHz = '1' then
            Count <= resize(unsigned(clip(Value, 11, 0)), Count'length);
        elsif Pulse = '1' and Count /= 0 then
            Count <= Count - 1;
        end if;
    end if;
end process;

OutputA <= HI_LVL when Count /= 0 else LO_LVL;

end architecture;

<< Error Log >>

Vivado v2020.2_AR76242 (64-bit)

SW Build 3064766 on Wed Nov 18 09:12:47 MST 2020

IP Build 3064653 on Wed Nov 18 14:17:31 MST 2020

Start of session at: Wed Jul 10 06:35:09 2024

Process ID: 378016

Current directory: /workspace/e7cb426b-f983-40d7-9c5f-471f6c93d180/output

Command line: vivado -nojournal -mode batch -source /deps/compile/587/scripts/synth.tcl -tclargs 12 4 4 4

Log file: /workspace/e7cb426b-f983-40d7-9c5f-471f6c93d180/output/vivado.log

Journal file:

source /deps/compile/587/scripts/synth.tcl

set TOP_DIR $::env(TOP_DIR)

set HW_VER $::env(HW_VER)

set HG_PART $::env(HG_PART)

set HG_BOARD $::env(HG_BOARD)

set SRC_DIR $::env(SRC_DIR)

set adcs [lindex $argv 0]

set dacs [lindex $argv 1]

set cbufs [lindex $argv 2]

set chs [lindex $argv 3]

set_part $HG_PART

INFO: [Coretcl 2-1500] The part has been set to ‘xczu9eg-ffvc900-2-e’ for the current project only. Run set_part -help for more details. To evaluate different speed grades in the current design, use the set_speed_grade command, or use the open_checkpoint -part command to change the part used by an existing checkpoint design.

read_vhdl -vhdl2008 [glob $TOP_DIR/lib/hdl/*.vhd]

read_vhdl -vhdl2008 [glob $TOP_DIR/src/vhdl/*.vhd]

read_vhdl -vhdl2008 [glob $TOP_DIR/lib/hdl/moku/*.vhd] -library Moku

if {[info exists SRC_DIR]} {

read_vhdl -vhdl2008 [glob $SRC_DIR/*.vhd]


set ip_dcps [glob -nocomplain $SRC_DIR/.dcp ip/.dcp]

foreach dcp $ip_dcps {

read_checkpoint $dcp


set_property top Instrument [current_fileset]

set_property top_lib xil_defaultlib [current_fileset]

set_property top_arch Custom [current_fileset]

set_property top_file Top.vhd [current_fileset]

set_property generic “HW_VER=$HW_VER NUM_AIN=$adcs NUM_AOUT=$dacs NUM_CBUFS=$cbufs NUM_CHANNELS=$chs” [current_fileset]

synth_design -mode out_of_context -flatten_hierarchy rebuilt

Command: synth_design -mode out_of_context -flatten_hierarchy rebuilt
Starting synth_design
Using part: xczu9eg-ffvc900-2-e
Top: Instrument
Attempting to get a license for feature ‘Synthesis’ and/or device ‘xczu9eg’
INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature ‘Synthesis’ and/or device ‘xczu9eg’
INFO: [Common 17-1540] The version limit for your license is ‘2021.06’ and has expired for new software. A version limit expiration means that, although you may be able to continue to use the current version of tools or IP with this license, you will not be eligible for any updates or new releases.
INFO: [Synth 8-7079] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 4 processes.
INFO: [Synth 8-7078] Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes
INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 378024

Starting Synthesize : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:02 . Memory (MB): peak = 2388.520 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 43855 ; free virtual = 173470

ERROR: [Synth 8-2396] near character ‘1’ ; 3 visible types match here [/workspace/e7cb426b-f983-40d7-9c5f-471f6c93d180/src/pwm.vhd:33]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] first match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/standard_2008.vhd:11]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] another match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/standard_2008.vhd:20]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] another match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/std_logic_1164_2008.vhd:67]
ERROR: [Synth 8-2396] near character ‘1’ ; 3 visible types match here [/workspace/e7cb426b-f983-40d7-9c5f-471f6c93d180/src/pwm.vhd:37]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] first match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/standard_2008.vhd:11]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] another match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/standard_2008.vhd:20]
INFO: [Synth 8-1047] another match for ‘‘1’’ found here [./2008/src/std_logic_1164_2008.vhd:67]
INFO: [Synth 8-2810] unit behavioural ignored due to previous errors [/workspace/e7cb426b-f983-40d7-9c5f-471f6c93d180/src/pwm.vhd:9]

Finished Synthesize : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:02 . Memory (MB): peak = 2388.520 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 44559 ; free virtual = 174174

synthesize failed
INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis
13 Infos, 0 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 3 Errors encountered.
synth_design failed
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Vivado Synthesis failed
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Wed Jul 10 06:35:16 2024…

Hi @luisseo ,

It looks like your post format is compromised. Would you mind sharing the repository link of the PWM example? I will give it a quick try.
