I am a prolific user of the Moku Python API, and have probably used every function in the book so far! I just came across a few minor errors in the API reference documentation (apis.liquidinstruments.com) that I’ve accumulated, which could be easily fixed and might help future users:
The landing page (https://apis.liquidinstruments.com/reference/) has a textbox stating “This library only supports interactions with Moku:Go and Moku:Pro. To command or control Moku:Lab please visit …” but I believe this is outdated information, with Moku:Labs using the same API as Pro and Go since 3.0.0.
laser_lock_box.set_output_limit.low_limit: has a listed default value of “nullptr” which is C++
laser_lock_box.set_scan_oscillator: keyword for amplitude of the auxillary oscillator is labelled as “frequency”
laser_lock_box.set_filter.order: no allowed values listed, labelled as “required” despite not being set in example code, type “number” should probably be type “integer”. Same issues in digital_filter_box.set_filter.order
laser_lock_box:set_monitor:monitor_channel has no list of allowed values.
phasemeter:enable_freewheeling: request additional information on function. Not clear from the instrument documentation.
phasemeter:get_data is the entire function deprecated, or just the two listed parameters? Unclear.
phasemeter:set_pm_loop:bandwidth, type listed as “number”, should be “string”; “units” unnecessary
In addition, I’m suddenly unable to set the slow control PID controller using “set_pid_by_frequency” function of the laser_lock_box: every attempt returns “Invalid Method” error despite having worked in this exact form a few weeks ago.
Cheers, and thanks for all the updates and improvements!