Moku:Go The command of set_event_detector in tfa when mim

**Moku model:Go(591)
**Operating system:Win10
**Software version:3.2.2

Bug or support request description:
I want to employ Time & Frequency Analyzer in mim mode. But the source of command “set_event_detector” is false. When I sent the value of source “Input1” or “ChannelA”, the message is "Input1 is not a valid value for Source". And When I sent the value of source “InputA”, the message is "Cannot understand request. One or more key\/values are incorrect".

Past of my command is:

QJsonArray connections;
connections.append(QJsonObject({{“source”, “Slot1OutA”}, {“destination”, “Output1”}}));
connections.append(QJsonObject({{“source”, “Input1”}, {“destination”, “Slot2InA”}}));
connections.append(QJsonObject({{“source”, “Input2”}, {“destination”, “Slot2InB”}}));
QJsonObject claimReq;
claimReq.insert(“connections”, connections);
httpPost(buildURL(“mim/set_connections”), claimReq);
httpPost(buildURL(“slot2/tfa/set_event_detector”), QJsonObject({{“id”, 1}, {“source”, “InputA”}, {“threshold”, 0.5}, {“edge”, “Rising”}}));

It is worth to note that this command (“set_event_detector”) work well not in mim mode.

My code are wrote by Qt(C++).

Hello @STUDENT, thanks for sharing your scripts and the error message. This issue is a known bug on our end related to invalid parameters in the “set_event_detector” command within MiM. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

We’re currently working on a fix, which should be included in our upcoming firmware release in about a week. Thank you!

Thanks for your reply. I’m looking forward to this update.