Moku datalogger streaming to file

I’m having trouble running some code that I was using to stream data to a file from a moku go. The problem seems to have surfaced after I updated the firmware to v591. I’d previously had trouble with this functionality but thought I had fixed this (MWE in the linked thread).

Any ideas on how I can debug this further? No errors are thrown, it’s just that no file is being written…

Hi @gautam

Sorry this has been causing you some issues, the first thing to check would be the version of mokucli you’re running. You can check this using mokucli --version. I’d recommend ensuring it is up-to-date with the current version 2.2.2. If it’s not, head over to Utilities - Liquid Instruments and download the new version of Mokucli.

If the issue still persists, could you please send through the code that you’re trying to run? I’ll be able to help you debug the problem.
