Does Moku.Support.Clip allow me to opt-in to 3v3 strict inputs/outputs?

I’m a woefully inadequate verilog developer on my best day, so if this question is poorly phrased or illustrates a fundamental mis-understanding of the MCC platform, I apologize.
(And if it is already documented somewhere, please just link me and I’ll gladly read it!)

With all those caveats out of the way, here is my current situation.

I’m trying to use the Moku to interact with a handful of devices that treat 3v3 conceptually as ‘100%’. I realize that (at present) my bitstreams are automagically configured such that 5v0 is conceptually 100%. And I appreciate the nice sane / safe defaults (truly, I do). I appreciate them so much that I almost hate to ask, but…

Is there anyway I could indicate to MCC that I would like my range clipped to 3v3? And the obvious follow up. Is there anyway I could indicate to MCC that I would like my range clipped to some other arbitrary (but still, you know, sane) range?
Thank in advance!
-Johnny C