Python error - MokuException: ['An error occurred while starting the logging session (error code 6)']

I am trying to run the Phasemeter Datalogger example found here.

I am getting this error:
MokuException: ['An error occurred while starting the logging session (error code 6)']

The code looks like this:

import time
from moku.instruments import Phasemeter
i = Phasemeter('[fe80::XXXX]', force_connect=True)
# Configure instrument to desired state

# Start the logging session...
result = i.start_logging(duration=10)
file_name = result['file_name']

# Track the progress of data logging session
is_logging = True
while is_logging:
    # Wait for the logging session to progress by sleeping 0.5sec
    # Get current progress percentage and print it out
    progress = i.logging_progress()
    remaining_time = int(progress['time_to_end'])
    is_logging = remaining_time > 1