
Dear supporters, I use data logger for data acquisition. I can download the .li file, but I can not convert it using the given methods! What I hope to have is a line of code in jupyter notebook, which convert the .li file to .csv for me using the given mokucli or … But for me it was hard to understand how to run or use the mokucli after downloading the .tar file. Can you please give me a better explanation of this, such that I can convert the .li to .csv using python code in jupyter notebook?

Hi Saman,

Would you mind sharing your code that is not working for you so that I can understand what is not working in this process?

To convert a file using mokucli I use the following line to convert the downloaded .li binary file to a csv:

mokucli convert --format=csv

However this may not be the best way to convert the file if you are trying to script this process, as mokucli is designed to be used as a commandline tool, not used in a jupyter notebook. If you are trying to script or automate your logged data then you may want to try the Python API, specifically the Data Logger’s stream_to_file function, which will stream the data and save it to a file type of your choice. You can find more details on the API Reference, but here is an example of how to stream the data to a csv file:

from moku.instruments import Datalogger
i = Datalogger('IP.ADD.R.ESS')
i.start_streaming(duration = 10)

Thank you for your quick respond. Below is the code I am using to acquire data using stream_to_file:

from moku.instruments import Datalogger
i = Datalogger(‘IP_Adresse’, force_connect=True)

i.set_frontend(channel=2, impedance=‘1MOhm’, coupling=“DC”, range=“10Vpp”)
logFile = i.start_streaming(duration=10)
complete = False
while not complete:
progress = i.logging_progress()
complete = progress[‘complete’]“media”, logFile[‘file_name’], os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logFile[‘file_name’]))
print(“Downloaded log file to local directory.”)

except Exception as e:
print(f’Exception occurred: {e}')

I downloaded and installed mokucli for linux. Installed it and added it to the PATH. But I get this error when running the above code:
Exception occurred: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/home/gw170817/Downloads/mokucli-linux/mokucli-linux-2.2.2’