Frequency Sweep and Holding a Specific Frequency in Frequency Response Analyzer on Moku Pro

I am using the Frequency Response Analyzer on Moku Pro and would like to achieve the following functionality:

  1. Sweep the excitation signal to a specific target frequency.
  2. Once the target frequency is reached, hold this frequency and maintain the signal output.
  3. Capture and analyze the time-domain signal at this specific frequency.

Could you please advise if this is possible within the Frequency Response Analyzer? If so, what settings or configurations should I use to achieve this behavior?

You can do this is Multi-instrument mode with the frequency response analyzer in one slot, a waveform generator in one slot, and an oscilloscope in another slot. With the FRA in one slot, you can specify the frequencies for the swept sine output by navigating to the middle tab in the FRA settings and specifying the frequencies to sweep. Then, once you have found your target frequency, you can use the waveform generator to generate a signal at that frequency and the oscilloscope to view the time domain signal. If I am misunderstanding your setup in any way please let me know and I hope this helps!