Error using oscilloscope

Hi, using the following code to access the oscilloscope with Python I get the following error:
Code: osc = Oscilloscope(IP address, force_connect = True)
Error: Exception has occurred: ConnectionError

HTTPConnectionPool(host=IP address, port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/moku/claim_ownership (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x0000023C6029E230>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network’))

Thanks for the help in advance,

PS: Using the serial number for connecting, the following applies:
Code: osc = Oscilloscope(serial=776, force_connect = True)
Error: Exception has occurred: MokuNotFound

exception: no description

Hi Tim,

It looks like the API is not able to reach your Moku. Can you please first check in the Desktop App to see if you are able to see the device there? If you can see the device, can you please copy the IP address from the Desktop App to the Python code to see if you are able to establish a connection? (Follow this link for how to get Moku’s IP address.)

If you are using USB connection on a Windows computer, sometimes there are issues with IPv6 recognition in Windows environment. I would recommend setting up a proxy in this case, you can find detailed steps here.

Kind regards,

It works with the proxy, thanks!